Going to try and cover a few things that have happened since my last post.
First of all I went to Denmark for the week with Mike and his Grandparents to visit Kat, Mike's sister.
It was a lovely week - over my birthday (22 now!!!) and here are a few highlights in pictures (chosen from the 300+ photos I managed to snap over 4 days!). Hope you like :)
Map of Europe - in flowers! As you do!
Copenhagen Zoo - best Zoo I've ever been too, including Laughing Kookaburras (Guess I'll be seeing more of these guys soon!), Monkeys, Polar Bears, Snakes, Elephants, Tigers, Sea Lions, to name but a few!
Sure is you who got your name pulled out of the hat! I'm happy to postit to you if you like my sweet. Then you can put songs you like (fingers crossed) on your ipod or music device for travel :) It's okay to have it when you get here to I don't mind. It's made and ready either way!