- I was horribly ill for the best part of this week, yet I am blessed to live in a country with cheap and readily available medicines, blessed to not have to worry about the financial ramifications of taking time off, blessed to have a wonderful husband and great friends to look after me! Feeling much better now :D
- Amazingly in my ill-est but also busiest week in quite a while I still managed to fulfil the vast majority of my commitments including singing at a friends wedding and teaching my final songwriting workshop of the year at NGM! Prayer works!
- A beautiful winter wedding yesterday on a stunning frosty and sunny winters day, including christmas trees, mulled wine, mince pies and a yummy Hog Roast. That concludes the 7 weddings of this year - they've all been awesome! 2011 was clearly the best year to get married (not that I'm biased of course :P).
- Heating that works (despite all the bad things I've heard about storage heaters)
- Mike. My best friend, my chief cheerer-upper, my nurse, my hot water bottle provider, my paracetamol buyer, my hug giver and smile bringer - I'm always incredibly thankful for you!
- That the only way I am saved is by Grace, I couldn't achieve salvation even if I tried! That is a HUGE relief... cause I mess up A LOT, but His Grace is enough.
- Even more financial blessing! Mike and I have had 4 Tax Rebate cheques since september! The last of these arrived this week smack bang in the middle of a conversation about how much we could afford to spend on a new car! We can now buy one next week - excited! Thank You God! Your timing is impeccable as always.
- I got to buy and decorate our very own Christmas Tree and it does look stunning :)... if I do say so myself! Photos to follow I'm sure.
- Tomorrow morning I get to sleep in and sleep off my weeks worth of sleep deprivation! (and then I have to write 14 reports but lets not think about that yet..... SHLEEEEEP!)
- Two weeks today is Christmas (if it had escaped your notice!). My first christmas with Mike - ever!! I have hand stitched stockings, purchased and wrapped all my presents and can't wait to head to Tenterden for family fun.
- This time last year I had just arrived in Sydney, Australia. I can't believe it was so long ago, I have so many amazingly happy memories. Can't wait to return - this time with Mike in tow. Merry Christmas to all my Oz family!
Picture found {here}
Just read this after having a bit of an off morning, and feeling a lot for cheerful now :) Thanks, Beka