Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Something I Made Earlier.....

I've really been enjoying the whole graphic design thing lately, what with wedding invitations, websites etc etc it's a good thing really :)
Here's something I've been making over the last week or so - an Anniversary pressie for Mike - will get it printed in some form or another at some point for our new flat hopefully :)
Hope you like...

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

365 Days Ago.....

368 days ago....
.... Two months worth of 'getting to know you' conversation, connection finding, a couple of sort of official dates. An amazing day trip together, ending with us finally talking about 'US' and realising that decisions needed to be made.
366 days ago....
.... Was the end of a weekend of decision making for both of us. I had made my decision and had a peace and joy about that decision like I'd never before felt.
365 days ago....
.... We had that conversation. The one where I told Mike that I wasn't going travelling for a year anymore, and he told me that he wanted to be with me even if I was! :)

The year that followed has been amazing, eye-opening, laughter filled, emotional, full of joy, love and honesty. We survived 60 days apart whilst I went travelling and have pretty much seen each other the vast majority of the 305 remaining days!
In just under 3 months time, I get to marry my best friend and have tons more years filled with the same. It's going to be an interesting journey I know and it won't be easy but I have no doubt we can do it. I can't wait now!

God is GOOD, his timing is quite often surprising but always perfect! His LOVE will never fail!

Looking forward to the next 25,550 (or a few more or less) days!

Mike, I Love You - Always.

Thursday, 17 March 2011


  • For sunshine! I went out without a coat today! It almost...almost...almost reminds me of the summer I was having a few weeks ago the other side of the world!
  • Beautiful Bath. Took the de-tour route home from town today via the Royal Crescent and Victoria Park - it was lovely :)
  • That today I actually tried to do a funny blog post about the silly little things that annoy me and after 10 mins I had only thought of 3 - so I gave up lol!
  • Unexpected potential music job opportunities! I could actually be employed doing something I love! AMAZING! Watch this space... (and pray)
  • After the bargain of £10 wedding shoes last week, I just finished making all my Bridal Jewellery and it cost me a grand total of £8 :)
  • The satisfaction of lots of ticks on a to-do list
  • Finding just enough to do to stop me going insane being unemployed
  • My churches 11th Birthday! Woooooo I love you FREEDOM BATH & BRISTOL!! 
  • Lovely girly chats with fellow engaged friends - getting excited now! :)
  • A year ago this week - Mike asked me on our first date :)
  • 14 weeks and 2 days till our wedding!!!!!!

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

A little bit of Thankfulness...

Today I'm thankful for...
  • Productiveness! WOOOOOOOO! It seems that having an appointment at 8:45 in the morning then getting back home only 1 hour later really sets you up to fill the day with lots and lots of usefullness!
  • Several things ticked off on to-do lists
  • The NHS - I know the UK may complain a lot about it but GET SOME PERSPECTIVE PEOPLE! We have FREE healthcare and THAT is a blessing! (Not even America has that!!)
  • The cute photo on this post today! Amazing! Comes courtesy of - I LOVE THAT WEBSITE! Even better is the fact that Mike and I have been given Salt and Pepper Shakers just like these for our new home :)
  • Wedding plans coming together nicely - apparently we're really organised! 
  • Hugs, hugs and more hugs!
  • Ug boots for use in FREEEEEEEEZING England!
  • That I wasn't in Christchurch for the earthquake as the hostel I was in only 3 weeks beforehand is now no more!! 
  • That everyone I know in Christchurch is alive and well!
  • My band - I love you all - it's a priviledge to make music with you :)
  • The UK benefit system. Though flawed, it's allowing me to job-hunt and carry on living in Bath paying rent and bills :)
  • Pancake Day!!!!! I'm sure I will be even more thankful for this later on today when my mouth is full of pancake! :D
  • Mike - have I mentioned he's amazing!? :P
  • That everywhere in Bath is walkable (and when I don't want to walk, my fiance has a car :P shhhhhhh)
  • Finding the wedding shoes I wanted online for £9.99!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!
  • Honesty, friendships, hope and an exciting future unknown! 
There's just a few to be going on with :)

Wedding Favours

"Wedding favors are small gifts given as a gesture of appreciation  or gratitude to guests from the bride and groom during a wedding ceremony or a wedding reception."
Of all the silly ways to spend more money than you need for a wedding... extravagent wedding favours may take the prize! I wish I had the money to give our 100 guests personally engraved diamond jewellery or individual bottles of vintage wine... no I take that back.... If I had that sort of money I still would do nothing of the sort!
In all my online wedding browsing (thanks greatly to I have found some pretty good ones, bad ones, funny ones and down right ridiculous ones.
The following favour ideas are some of the best I've found... this list has been quite fun to research and compile even though I would still never have any of them, they are quite fun so I thought I'd share.....

1. Badges
I actually really quite like these, though I would have to turn 
them all blue and personalise them a bit further. 
I found these HERE

2. 'Whimsical Wonderballs'
Effectively a 'Pass the Parcel' for every table - containing 14 presents, toys and jokes! Awesome!
I found these HERE

3. Personalised M&M's or Love Hearts
What more can I say!? Chocolate and Sweets - but personalised! :D

4. Mini Watering Cans
I'm sure every guest at our wedding would like nothing more than a mini watering can! lol!
Even though we are having a daisy themed wedding and they are quite cute they are useless and expensive :P
 Found them HERE

5. Mini Grand Pianos!!
These are a little bit awesome but I may pretend I have never admitted that!

6. 'Pea's in a Pod' Salt and Pepper Shakers
Now there is a personal reason why this one is great! Mike loves puns (along with most bad jokes) and he hates peas, so from very early on in our relationship, there has been a hunt for opportunities to flaunt the Pea/Pun opportunities - usually in the form of christmas/birthday cards etc. I saw these wedding favours and laughed instantly! It's a shame that 100 of them would cost us £270!!!
They're from HERE

7. 'A Slice of Love' Pizza Cutters
Another favour idea rife with pun opportunities!
Quoting from the website HERE...
"No matter how you slice it, there's simply no topping Kate Aspen when it comes to creative wedding favors! Place “A Slice of Love” Pizza Cutter next to each table setting, and when your guests go home, they'll take a “pizza” your heart with them—in a deliciously designed pizza box!"

8. All things lovely and 'handmade'

Found HERE and HERE :) 

9. Table Trivia

I actually LOVE this idea!! An icebreaker, spare-time filler and a take-home present for the table!
Everyone loves a pop-quiz don' they!? Found a whole range of these HERE!

Well I think that's all for now, you can look for hours! A bit of fun but mostly waaaayyy too extravagent!
Let's have a think of how I can get creative! What can a really stand to hand-make 100 of!? Hmmmm we'll have to see I guess :)